A Comparative Study of Non-Performing Assets In Public and Private Sector Banks In India.

- Qureshi Ashafiya banu Kamal Haider, Student, Faculty of Management, GLS University,


- Isha Dave, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management, GLS University, Ahmedabad


The strength of an economy is dependent on the strength of its financial system. Banks, both private and public are an important component of the Indian financial system. In India Non-Performing assets are one the major concerns for banks. NPA is the best indicator for the performances of banks. In this Study main objectives are to highlight NPAs in trend and position of public and private sector banks in India. And To study suitable ratio of the public and private sector banks in India. This study is based on the secondary data, so research design of study is an exploratory research. This study gives some idea to understand about Non-Performing Assets Role in Indian Public and Private sector banks. In this research sampling method useful is Non-Probability Convenience sampling. In this study useful tools for analyse data are Comparative studies, Trend analysis, and Ratio analysis. This tools through analyse the data. As per the study Private Sector Banks has a Less than NPA as compare to Public Sector Banks. This study has been useful to all financial Advisor, Bankers and all type of investors.


Economy, Non-Performing Asset, Performance

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