A Study on factors of Consumer Buying Behavior and its Influence on Consumer Perception with reference to Value Fashion Retail in the Saurashtra region

Dr. J.M. Badiyani

Associate Professor, Department of Business Management,

MK Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar, Gujarat

Ms. Krupa Jagani

Ph.D research scholar, Department of Business Management,

MK Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar, Gujarat

The Apparel industry has been contributing magnificently into economic growth and due to retail consolidation, globalization and e-commerce it has made progress over the past few decades. The stimulus of the study is immense demand for product variety and very short product life cycle in value fashion. Looking powerful, status showing and desire to be popular is becoming vital among the millennial. In the present time, people expect not only comfort or quality but being fashionable too. They also demand proper fitting and ease of care. Retail stores create status and fashion symbolism by adhering to its competitive position. The main purpose is to understand the determinants of consumer buying behaviour with regard to value fashion apparel and its influence on buying behaviour particularly in the context of India, as not many studies have been done in India. A random sample of 200 respondents within the Saurastra region has taken into consideration and data has analysed through SPSS. The findings reflect how, what, where and when the factors affect consumer perception.

Keywords: Brand, Retail, Consumer behaviour, Location, Promotional tools

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