A study on School Reforms in India in comparison to global educational setups
- Dhrumin Pandya, doctoral student, Gujarat University
Almost every country has undertaken some form of school system reform during the past two decades, but very few have succeeded in improving their systems from poor to fair to good to great to excellent.
This research looks closely at various school systems from different parts of the world, and from an array of starting points, that have registered significant, sustained, and widespread student outcome gains.
One of the major challenges for every school system is to decide what interventions it should make in order to improve its performance. For a system’s improvement journey to be sustained over the long term, the improvements have to be integrated into the very fabric of the system pedagogy.
Nothing is more emotive than education. The quality of our children’s schools affects every aspect of their life, shaping the child’s personal destiny and the society’s capacity for creativity and economic development. This rightly can make school system reform the major focus not just for educationalists but also for political leaders, employers, and parents alike.
Often, because of the magnitude of what is at stake in the quality of education provided in our schools, passions run high and debate is heated.
This research disaggregates school system reform into its constituent spots, take a good, long, hard look at the nature of each spot, and then put all the spots back together and examine the overall school system improvement journey from a broader perspective.