The Changing Role of HR during Influenza Pandemic
- Dhara Chheda, Student, Faculty of Management, GLS University, Ahmedabad
- Kalgi Shah, Associate Professor, Faculty of Management, GLS University, Ahmedabad.
Pandemics are distinct from seasonal influenza epidemics that happen nearly every year. Seasonal influenza epidemics are caused by influenza viruses which circulate globally in humans. Over time, people develop some degree of immunity to these viruses, and vaccines are developed annually to protect people from serious illness. In this study, the researcher has focused on the influenza pandemic and how it affects the HR manager and organizations’ policies. Influenza pandemics cause mental stress to the organization as a whole. It causes depression in the employees. An HR manager has to look up on so many things like payroll, leave policies, basic code of conduct etc. Influenza pandemics cause new work environment like Work from home, virtual work scenarios, new recruitment policies, social distancing policies, hygiene policies etc. From this study researcher has analysed that nowadays many companies are changing their work structure and they are also helping their employees to come out of the depression of Covid-19. Corona virus has affected almost all industries except life science and medical industry. These industries are booming now because the demand of vaccine of corona virus and high demand of sanitizers and masks. Influenza pandemic comes up with new changes in everybody’s life and everybody has to live life in new ways with new learning.
Influenza Pandemic, HR, Policies, Work from Home (WFH), Virtual work
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