Exploratory Study of social media From Client Relationship Management View Point and Its Role as A Tool and Process of Client Relationship Management
Amit Dungrani, Research Scholar, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad
Dr. Mehal Pandya, B.K School of business management, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad
Introduction of technology and interactive web has changed the whole phenomena how organization uses to communicate with stakeholders. With the introduction of new social media technology and the way it is popular it is impossible for organization to ignore impact of the same on their business. Social media has been evolved since the introduction and keep evolving and changing with fast pace. With the advancement of social media there are various use of social media came in to existence like marketing, customer relationship, direct selling etc. Social media has been widely used by much organization to connect with their current and prospective customers and in a way it is used as a tool to manage client relationship. This research paper is focused on study of current literature related to social media with the view point of client relationship. Various definitions of social media have been evaluated from client relationship point of view and vice a versa. The research paper is focused on defining social media from client relationship point of view as well as explain concept of client relationship with view point of social media. Various research materials has been explored to understand role of social media in client relationship.